Friday, August 17, 2012

Laughing is the best medicine

I am going  to say little things about Money........

It can buy a house?
But not a home!

It can buy a clock 
But not time!

It can buy you a position 
But not respect !

It can buy you a bed 
But not sleep !

It can buy a book 
But not knowledge 

It can buy a medicine?
But not health 

It can buy a blood 
But not life… 

So Money isn’t everything for all… 

 I am telling  you this because I am your friend
And as your friend I want to…
Take away your ache and distress!!
So propel me all your money
And I will endure for you!
                                                          Start sending your troubles quickly.................................
I hope that post made you laugh little bit!!!!  Laughing is the best medicine!!!

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